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Friday, April 15, 2011

Illuminism In the Ozarks by Norma Cox



in the Ozarks





Illuminism is a word which to Illuminists means enlightenment which thereby spurs worship of the sun without which life on the face of Earth could not exist. Worship of the sun means adoration of Lucifer. A god of many names, among the best known are Ammon-re, Helios and Apollo.

There is more to the duties of Lucifer, the Sungod, than guiding the movement of the sun and maintaining its exact position among the planets of the system, there is also the operation of massive equipment which, within the globe, sheds light and heat upon the surface of the planet.

Lucifer continues to be equated with Satan, which is unfortunate as such an assumption further confuses a situation entangled in a mass of misconceptions. Mythology is a maze of distortions, yet there is truth blended therein, which brings up the proposition that Lucifer might have come from the Constellation Aries (from which the word Aryan is derived), that he may be the Martian God of War, and possibly was once an Emperor of Lemuria.

The King of the South of the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel, he was indeed that to Illuminists of the last century, men who, in the South, fomented the Civil War for reasons far different from the ones we've been told.


SECRETS publication (June 1989)





When the Gentile, Albert Pike, succeeded the Illuminists Weishaupt and Mazzini as headmaster of the cult specializing in creepy symbols, signs and handshakes (Freemasonry), he was happy to be doing the work of his father, Satan, for beyond doubt he was a self-made Canaanite.

Born in Boston in the witch state of Massachusetts, Pike entered Harvard in 1826 for the purpose of "taking a course." Of my three encyclopedias, only the oldest (1907) gives a rundown on Pike's life, and that brief and ambiguous. The kind of course he took, and how it was to serve this man who would become the world's number one Mason is left unstated. But this much is clear from bits and pieces gleaned here and there: Pike had a mind bulging with a tangle of deep, clammy secrets of a very bizarre nature - secrets beyond the capacity of the great majority of Christians to comprehend. This master planner's strategy for our demise was to so weaken the nation by wars, internal dissent, degradation physical and spiritual, upheavals of all sorts, economic, social, etcetera... that a final takeover by the "betters" would encounter little or no resistance.

Placing agents provocateurs in heavily populated areas, Pike, as Masons of the highest and most secret of degrees had done before him, planned to activate the more aggressive of the nation's masses by introducing and inculcating widely divergent viewpoints, particularly in the realms of religion, politics, economic and social issues. (In this manner the War Between the States had been brought about) Ensuing would be anger and madness creating chaos of such intensity that a crucial limit would be reached.

This high mogul of the world's most colossal and evil of cults planned three world wars for this century. Ways of bringing them about were figured out. Present world conditions indicate that turmoil and rebellion have reached the point where the Third World War is imminent... This last one, however, appears to be shaping up in a way differing from the previous two. Possibly it will be multi-regional rather than worldwide with two distinctly opposing sides. Interesting is the way situations are worked out to accommodate the number three. A ritual sort of thing, you know, as though its use is a salute to the sungod, the skygod, and the god of the underworld.

Harvard, as many of you can imagine, is an illustrious den of snakes where the rich and powerful send their fledglings to acquire minds accepting as their right and due the benefits of intrigue - lies, deceit, trickery, treason - the teaching of which is incorporated into otherwise pallid courses... A primary requisite if the sons and daughters are to follow in the footsteps of fathers and mothers who sold their souls to Satan in exchange for wealth in the amount enabling them to bend the destiny of the Nation to their liking - such as the Rockefellers with their oil and go-for-broke banks.

The same then as now, Pike and his fellow Master Masons schemed of ways and means to wipe out the world of today. They knew the wars and all the other woes their twisted minds had conjured for this planet would occur, because they could be made to do so. But it was a long, arduous task and, despite the ecstasy, consultation with the gods via the occult, did not always produce desired results.



According to the script, when the burning and slaughter of the last war ends, the arising new world will be populated by a conquered people so grateful for having escaped the most awful of holocausts that he and she will gladly fulfill their superiors' demands. Yes, he and she will willingly mix their blood with survivors of other races, and this gene swapping will result in eradication of individual characteristics each race had been born with. Emerging after several generations of miscegenation will be an all-alike people lacking vigor, will, inspiration; grey-colored, meek and obedient, they will be willing slaves of gods from other worlds.

Since the time when Solomon (Solman-Sunman) gathered the rich and well-placed of his Kingdom into a cavern stronghold beneath Israel to assemble the secret society that eventually would become Freemasonry, there has been need of numerous additional and smaller societies. These groupings, put together when needed, run interference for the ball carrier. Such societies, organizations, cults, religions, whatever, almost always seem to oppose each other. Existing on every level, for centuries and millennia, though often in dormancy, today some exist for the same purpose they served in ancient times: "whipping boys," and "storefronts." People of all ages and colors parade down the streets chanting slogans, holding signs aloft, waving flags, handing out literature. Their leaders appear on "Talk Shows." Appearing profoundly Christian and patriotic, whatever case they argue slips somehow and, out of their grasp, the "gun" pointed at their adversaries is made to turn slowly inward, upon themselves... Obnoxious racists, anti-Semites, anti-Blacks, red-necked bigots! (Years ago I surmised that if they weren't part of the act they would never be allowed on Jew-owned television and radio networks). A synagogue is bombed, a negro church burns to the ground, a Jew is beaten up, a black man and white woman are found together murdered. If the guilty aren't caught committing the crimes - and they seldom are - the finger of blame points directly to the most publicized anti-Jew, anti-Black organizations. The hatred of Blacks for Whites intensifies, while the eternally persecuted Jew dons the martyr's robes. White sheets, the Confederate Flag with thirteen stars, Cross-burnings, symbols on literature, all secretly proclaim the same thing: the organizations, despite claims, are anti-the God of Creation, anti-the Christ of Christians.

But the conspiring Canaanite need not chuckle and call himself clever, for Communism and Zionism are monstrous, out of control creations of that world-encompassing cult in which "the diaspora" Jews call the shots - despite the Mazzinis and Pikes.

While the Gentile-Aryan may appear the most vulnerable and cruelly used of Masonry's victims, the Canaanite is not spared either - far from it! Blind to the fact that he is being used by his own kind to destroy himself along with the Muslim as the Palestinian/Israeli controversy over the West Bank, Golan and Gaza plunges the Mideast deeper into turmoil and war, nowhere during the Final Days will there be desolation and destruction to compare with Israel's blackened rubble and incinerated corpses.

The opposing forces of Communism (the East) and Zionism (the West) were designed to finish off the world of today. Again, Communism is of Masonry, and while beyond doubt Zionism is as well, this religious sect of the political right opposing their Creator-rejecting kin of the political left is in the camp of Masonry's mortal enemy, the Roman Catholic Church. (Ah, the massiveness of the diametrics of the overall plan!) And while Zionism and the Vatican are strange bedfellows, their marriage is pure expediency - enemies joining forces to ward off destruction by a third adversary far stronger than either individually.

Transcending Masonic authority and commanding it is that mystical power Masonry obeys through occult symbolism. In this regard, I again refer to chapter two of the book of the prophet Daniel which, to eyes that are open tells about the system in place today to topple the world. Nebuchadnezzar's dream was of a monster with legs of iron (Communism and Zionism) which via control of the world money system have divided the nations between them. The iron portion of the feet and toes represents immortals, the overall directors of the world-destroying system, while the miry clay represents both immortal and mortal, the latter being created by these super-beings from deep in the cosmos. The Kingdoms (ten toes - ten nations of the Mideast) shall be divided (at present the Mideast is violently divided between the forces of Communism and Zionism which are under the guidance of the master cult which originated these opposing cults. At the time of Christ, Communists and Zionists were called Sadducees and Pharisees)... "And there shall be in it (the feet of clay) the strength of iron (the immortals), so that the Kingdoms (nations) shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay (immortals mixing with mortals), they shall not cleve one to another." (though they look alike, because they are different they do not think alike)



Wars are the result of the twisted thinking of a few men who, by means generally involving a certain amount of dishonesty, have attained wealth and positions of authority. If not born into such a state, to obtain wealth and a position of authority, the sharp-witted and ambitious man needs to know the "right" people which often means joining the right organization. Upon joining  there begins for the man the organization deems suitable for their needs an indoctrination during which the man is gradually introduced to mysteries completely unknown to him. Before he realizes, the man is caught in an occult web of such fascination that he will never want to free himself. Ecstatic, with disclosure of each new secret the feeling of power over the masses increases. Should he prove the right kind of tool, the man will be placed among the Nation's top leaders. From that lofty perch he will take part in decision making that, grave and dangerous, involves the Nation and entire world.

Wars have never resulted in good for the people forced to engage in them. Despite the death, broken lives, sorrow, want and suffering, strangely there has been little outcry, demanding answers... Take this country's Civil War where fighting took place in the yards, fields, and even the houses of the people of the North and South... Pagans have always offered human sacrifice to their gods. How this nation's sacrifice of male youth in that fratricidal nightmare much have warmed the heart of the blood-thirsty Sungod, the chief god of those Masons in the position to force wars upon an unwary, stupefied people.

But their power will come to a sudden halt, and thereafter there will be no wars. The Almighty One will exact vengeance for every wicked deed. Mercilessly will He show contempt for His errant sons (Sons of God) closeted within Earth, the Sun and Moon. And when the Messiah returns to shake Earth terribly, they will be as helpless in His grasp as an incorrigible child when shaken by an angry parent.

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair (the sackcloth is the sun and inside the wires and cables are the hair) and the moon became as blood." (Rev. 6)... How long this solar blackout will continue, no one knows. Realizing our dependency upon the light and heat of that artificially-fired orb, one gains deeper understanding of why those who, having let their minds become twisted by secret knowledge, deem human slaughter necessary to the continuance of a seasonal system of appropriate weather patterns.

It is difficult for the innocent to conceive of the villainy of top members of various cults operating within the framework, of Freemasonry: Picking up the thread of Albert Pike, William Guy Carr in his brilliant book PAWNS IN THE GAME had this to say:

"The headquarters of the conspiracy in the late 1700s was in Frankfurt, Germany, where the house of Rothschild had been established and linked together other international financiers who had literally 'Sold their souls to the devil.'"

"In 1830, Weishaupt died (Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati, an offshoot of Freemasonry - ed)... In 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Guiseppi Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to be director of their revolutionary programme throughout the world. He held this post until he died in 1872.

"Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770 the money lenders (who had recently organized the House of Rothschild), retained him to revise and modernize the age-old 'protocols' designed to give the Synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they can impose the Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the Human Race, after the final social cataclysm, by use of Satan despotism. Weishaupt completed his task May 1st 1776.

"The plan required the destruction of ALL existing governments and religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed Goyim (meaning human cattle) into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, racial, social, economic and other issues. The opposing sides were then to be armed with an 'incident' provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves as they destroyed National Governments and Religious Institutions.

"In 1776 Weishaupt organized the Illuminati to put the plot into execution. The word Illuminati is derived from Lucifer, and means 'holders of the light.' Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a One World government to enable men with proven mental ability to govern the world he recruited about two thousand followers. These included the most intelligent men in the field of Arts and Letters, Education, the sciences, finance and industry. He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters.

..."Thomas Jefferson had become a student of Weishaupt's. He was one of his strongest defenders when he was outlawed by his government. Jefferson infiltrated the Illuminati into the newly organized Lodges of the Scottish Rite in New England.

..."On July 19th, 1798, David Pappen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating class and lectured them on the influence Illuminism was having on American politics and religion.

..."John Quincy Adams had organized the New England Masonic Lodges. In 1800 he decided to oppose Jefferson for the presidency. He wrote three letters to Colonel Wm. L. Stone exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive purposes. The information contained in these letters is credited with winning Adams the election." (end quote) ..............Note the close of the first paragraph of the above quote states: "Weishaupt completed his task on May 1st, 1776." ............May 1st is the most important day of the year to the occult conspirators. Why? Because it is the day set aside for special tribute to the Skygod, the Sungod and the Moon goddess.

Many countries celebrate May 1 in honor of the Labor movement. The birthday of Communism, on that date Soviet Union pagan leaders and their captive audience view Communism's military might. Parading down broad, grey, treeless boulevards, the atmosphere is as cold and uninspiring as the inside of the rich man's mausoleum.

Unknown to those threatened with physical danger, the Distress signal Mayday is actually a plea to pagan gods to send help. May is the time when Nature, given us by the Gods, enters its first flush of maturity; Mayday is the day when little children are first conditioned to become heathen... As a child in Houston, I well remember Mayday because on that day classes were not held in the elementary school I attended. Instead, all the children gathered on the playground, all dressed up, for a day of celebration. A May Queen had been elected. Seated on a throne alongside her King, the two watched haughtily the performances of their subjects - the rest of us.

The central feature was a Maypole. Festooned with pink and blue crepe paper attached at the top were long streamers. As the music began each child upon signal - I don't recall how many of us participated in this main event - would take a ribbon in hand and with the grace that comes only with childhood skip and dance around the Maypole.

Little did we realize that our May Queen represented the Moon goddess, Diana, and the King, her consort, Apollo, the Sungod, and that we were paying homage to them to show our gratitude for the April showers and the pretty flowers that bloom in May.

While I'm sure the teachers and their principal were as deluded as the rest of us, the fact was that we, the children, and our dance, represented the circling planets of our solar system. The phallus upon which life depends, the Maypole in the center represented the Sun, the keeper of which is the Sungod, Apollo... Being indoctrinated, we were re-enacting certain pagan rites deemed acceptable by the National Education Association!



Carr writes, "The word Illuminati is derived from Lucifer, and means 'holders of the Light.'" While that is 100% correct, the author of PAWNS IN THE GAME can go no further in identifying the dispenser of Earth's light and heat. And that's a pity, because until we know more about this Giver of Light, we will remain stupefied and fail to see who and what is bringing the world down upon us. As for the President of Harvard warning the graduates about the harmful influence of Illuminism on American politics and religion, that was most commendable, and something I dare say has not been repeated since. Universities are traps set to catch the best of minds for the purpose of manipulation. However, not all college students have a brilliant set of brains. Far from it! My guess is that really prestigious institutions of higher learning monitor each student, searching for the potential for subversion - candidates for secret societies that could lead to the Congress, the Senate, and even the White House. Matters little which political side they choose, since both the Democratic and Republican Parties receive instruction from the same source... Bush, the Rockefellers, are of the Trilateral/Bilderberger/CFR side, Republicans opposing the Masonic/Illuminati Democratic side of the conspiracy. Which is a lot of nonsense since both sides come out the same pod of peas.

As to the rift between the heretic Mason Thomas Jefferson, who "turned Illuminist," and John Quincy Adams, who practiced pure Masonry, I suggest the two were engaging in the same deceit practiced by politicians today: That is to say it was an act, a put-up job to secure the election for Adams. In effect, Jefferson and Adams were like two wrestlers who, after performing theatrical mayhem on each other in the ring, head out together afterward to enjoy a beer at their favorite bar.

Determined to destroy Christianity - Lucifer's Nemesis - Weishaupt schemed and devised ways to bring into the open a single personality, a shining figure to rule the world. Terrible to behold, master of all science, a magnificent super-being to dazzle the people, to fill them with so much wonder that willingly they would obey his every command. Weishaupt's Herculean dream of a one world order ruled by a Master figure would become reality via the ever-spreading, ever-evolving tentacles of a massive cult rising to challenge the authority of Masonry... Which was absurd, since Masonry absorbs that which dares to threaten.

Breaking down the age-old culture, pride, family structure and religious conviction would be a tedious task. Necessarily the training would demand skill and subtlety, but everything would be achieved, and the terrible war marking the Age End would, in the residue of total destruction, reveal the few stubborn survivors. Ah, how pleased would the Sungod be with the desolation and human sacrifice in amount beyond measure!



In the late 1800s, Albert Pike, the fanatical occultist and Mason, eagerly locked onto Weishaupt's plan. Styling it to serve his own particular taste for blood and death, the revised version included not one but three world wars, all to occur during the Twentieth Century.

I think it no exaggeration to state that the capacity of Masonry's top Honcho to absorb and exude evil exceeded even the appetite that placed upon a frame between 6 and 7 feet tall flesh in an amount of between 300 and 400 pounds.

For awhile Pike was principal of a grammar school in Newburyport, Massachusetts. In March of 1831 he joined a caravan headed for Santa Fe, New Mexico. With transportation the back of a horse or seat of a wagon, with hostile Indians perhaps just over the next ridge, such a grueling and hazardous journey must have been backed by strong motive. What was it? Written history tells us nothing, but by the Grace of God and, in a most round-about way, I've discovered the reason and in doing so put a handle on one of this planet's most puzzling mysteries.

The information Pike obtained while in Santa Fe doubtless influenced his decision to move to Arkansas. It was 1833 when he entered the lower stretches of the Ozarks. Beside the broad Arkansas River, the area and its fast-growing influx of white settlers, its Indian tribes of thousands of years of Ozark habitation, the intriguing Indian mounds, the beckoning caves, must have been an irresistible lure to this seeker of occult knowledge.

In Little Rock, Pike got right down to the business of building himself a 13-room dwelling. An Oddfellow at the time, it wasn't until 1850 that he officially joined the fraternity aligned with so-called gods attempting to overthrow the Creator's influence on Christian inhabitants of the planet. An advanced occultist and an apt and eager student, Pike quickly mounted Masonry's ladder of heady grades, after which, to outdo the 33rd, he proceeded to devise a grade of his own, one satanic enough to outdo all the others.

His heart and soul dedicated to the service of Paganism, via paganism's prime vehicle, Freemasonry, Pike's Masonic record, according to his daughter, Mrs. Lillian Pike Room, is as follows:

(Excerpted from Lady Queenbury's [sic; Queenborough’s] book, OCCULT THEOCRASY) "He was initiated in Western Star Lodge at Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1850; became Charter Member of Magnolia Lodge No. 60, Little Rock, Arkansas, and was Worshipful Master of that Lodge in 1853. And in that same year he was elected High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas. (Many other Masonic honors were awarded Pike, but other than, when in 1859 - just in time for the Civil War - he was elected Grand Master of the Supreme Council of Charleston, for our purpose, only those acquired in Little Rock are pertinent).

(Revised by Pike, the "order of the Palladium," which was founded in 1730, had strictly limited membership due to the deep secrecy surrounding its deliberation - ed)... "Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion is Manichean, neo-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay, (Adonay is Palladism's term for the Christian God - ed) with Lucifer, the God of Light and Goodness struggling for humanity against the God of Darkness and Evil. In stating the principle of the secret cult of the triangles, Albert Pike had only specified and unveiled the dogmas of the high grades of all other masonries, for in no matter what rite, the Great Architect of the Universe is not the God worshipped by Christians (denial of the Creator - ed)

"That which we must say to the crowd is - we worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition.

"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees - the Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.

"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay, whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of men, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him?

"Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive." (end quote)

As pointed out before, Lucifer is NOT Satan, he is instead the rider of the great ball which, seemingly aflame, rises daily in the East, rides the breadth of Heaven and disappears into the West... and, in conjunction with the Skygod who, carrying a sheath of lightning bolts summons the rain which, combined with heat from Lucifer's chariot, awakens the slumbering earth. As the sap rises, the deciduous trees prepare to deck themselves in fresh green finery, and the buried seeds swell and, bursting their confine, new life pushes upward to greet the morning sun.

A glorious ritual, the roles of the Skygod and Sungod are of greatest significance; but these two aren't satisfied. Their overwhelming desire is to be the equal of the God who created them. Therefore they confer and connive together to free themselves of Him, to make a name for themselves in the Galaxy and beyond, regardless of the destruction, pain and death they cause.

Like spokes radiating from the hub of a turning wheel, the leaders of civilization's many facets determining the course of life direct the steerless masses into the path they want traveled. Their ego boundless, widespread misconceptions result from a teaching subverting true thinking. By a warped mentality, they actually ascribe to the Christian God the evil of Satan! Utterly lacking spirituality their eyes are blind to the truths of the Old Testament, on which they based their belief that the Christian God is base and merciless, relentless and unforgiving.

All of which springs from deliberately-taught misunderstanding of the ancient Israelites flight from Egypt. As the Israelites pushed and fought their way across the badlands on their way to occupy the Promised Land, their God commanded that they neutralize various tribes of Canaanites (forebears of today's so-called Jews) by destroying them outright, down to the babes and old folk... The Creator knew the evil heart of Cain's children; He knew that if allowed to exist, they would eventually affect His truly chosen people and, by their cleverness and desire to possess the world's wealth, would eliminate them.

Everything considered, it is no wonder that the overlapping triangles, the pagan Seal of Solomon, is today Israel's emblem. Masonry, which is guided by the teachings of the occult Jewish Cabala, is ruled by Jews (usurious Hittite Canaanite) whose chief god is Lucifer... Becoming a Mason in 1861, the Jew, Eliphas Levi, said the following: "I come to bring you your lost traditions, the exact knowledge of your signs and emblems, and in consequence to show you the aim for the attainment of which your association has been constituted."... He then tried to demonstrate to his coreligionists that Masonic symbolism is borrowed from the Cabala. It was effort wasted; no one believed him.

One objective of the Luciferians is to make you believe that communists are Atheists. How clever! Such a belief effectively masks the fact that they are pagans, which means the damned heathens worship gods opposed to the Great Creator and every action they take against Christianity and the Creator God only serves their transitory gods and goddesses. With Satan running a close second in the case of Weishaupt and Pike, Lucifer was their divine chief... Lucifer, the Ammon-Ra of ancient Egyptians sitting beside Isis, the Moon-goddess, better known to us as Diana.

Top Masons are Nature Worshippers. Why? Because they think that Nature flows only from these eternal beings. Fire and Phallus worshippers, they are of the ancient heathen Parsee religion, of which the Hittite/Canaanite Sassoons who from Bombay India direct the moves of fellow Hittite/Canaanite bankers, are prime examples.

Inescapable is the fact that our diseased government has been afflicted by these accursed individuals since the time our illustrious revolution turned, this Nation into a land that would alternate Peace and Prosperity with War and Disaster. Why Lucifer and Diana? Because besides their role in directing Nature, they perform the balancing act without which Earth on its own would be unable to maintain a set position in the solar system, a position that allows her to function as a living breathing planet, a fit habitat for all living things.

Yes, it is true that without the light and heat of the sun life on the surface would soon perish. But despite admirable work, the tender of the Sun is not a noble, godly being. Quite the contrary. In the service of these Masters living within the planets, top Masons work to wrest from their Creator all authority over Earth. With the Tribulation coming into focus, because of them crime and chaos will reign. An out-of-control economy, revolutions, wars, plus severe calamities caused by weather tampering, will bring to the surface the underworld god known as Zeus. Horrendous warfare will erupt between the forces of this King of the North, this creator of Communism, and the King of the South, the creator of Socialism and the builder of cities. When surface population has diminished to a low enough point, the super-duper beings plan to make Earth the base of operations that will take their navigators and warriors out into the Galaxy and beyond. Motivation will be seizure of inhabited planets and exploration of uninhabited worlds which, with potential for habitation, have a nearby neighbor, the hollow interior of which could be rigged with the same kind of electronic gear that, within our Sun, lights and heats our planet's surface.



"Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end"... Rabbi Isaak Wise, 1855

In her book, OCCULT THEOCRASY, Lady Queenborough wrote of Weishaupt: "Illuminism represented the efforts of the heads of the powerful Jewish Kahal which has ever striven for the attainment of political, financial, economic and moral world domination. The movement had been founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. Bernard Lazare, himself a Jew, has written that 'There were Jews behind Weishaupt, and upon a close study of Illuminism, we find that the destructive forces which culminated in the French Revolution were of three kinds: financial, intellectual, and anti-Christian.'" (end quote)

Cut short by death, other than picking up on the dream of the Jew, Moses Holbrook, the Sovereign Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston, which was to perfect a secret Satanic rite producing Black Magic, I have yet to uncover evidence that Pike was influenced by Jews. In fact, from what I've turned up, I'd say that Pike needed no one to introduce him to trickery, treachery and subversion, for he appears to have been born with traits as wicked as any Hittite/Canaanite's. For example, catalogued in the British Museum Library is this portion of one of Pike's hand-written letters:

"We shall release the nihilists and theists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilizations, and the multitudes, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will be from that moment without compass, anxious for the ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

In his abject servitude, Pike's goal was that of his god: A destroyed world - the destruction of the Phoenix which is the world of Lucifer, the builder of cities and civilizations. The Phoenix - Civilization - having reached the point where progress is no longer possible, arranges a set of circumstances enabling him to set himself afire. That accomplished, there rises from the ashes of the dead Phoenix, a speck of life which in time becomes another Phoenix, a brand-new civilization.

It takes thousands of years for a Phoenix to reach a height of perfection producing wealth, glory, and power in abundance. But once the limit is reached, the process of reversal is put into action and the glow of perfection begins to dim and, in the way of cheap milled metals, corrosion begins.

When you think you've learned all there is to know of the truth of our sick world, look again and you'll discover you've only uncovered the first of layer upon layer of snakes. Drugs, crime, queers, a wildly skidding economy, a corrupt Christianity, a dismembered family unit, a breakdown of law enforcement all proclaim the beginning of the weeding-out process. Those who survive horrendous conditions will be strong, tough and resolute. Christian to the core, when the time comes they will become the framework of a new beginning.

The black-hearted Pike worked to steer the world onto the path of self-destruction. Occult knowledge had disclosed what very few people know, which is the fact that this planet has a subterranean world, both within its shell and hollow interior. These hidden truths, combined with what he learned while in New Mexico, were beyond doubt factors motivating his move to Arkansas.



Two factors were necessary to the life of the Masonic conspiracy: One, control of governments through control of the purse strings; two, possession or control of specific geographic areas.

The first factor posed no big problem because the masses believe what they read and are told; the second, which like-the first was mostly taken care of during the last century, was more difficult because it involved wrenching indigenous Americans off their land, land which sacred to them was theirs by right of countless generations of possession.

Continuity is of the essence to the conspirators. The timing of planned and connecting events is exquisitely exact - too exact to have come from the human brain. In this regard, Andrew Jackson's rise to power was timed to coincide with events which, having brought on the 1812 war with the British, would trigger the Texas War of Independence, the War with Mexico and, that most satanic of all wars, the American Civil War.

The Nation's seventh President, Andrew Jackson was born in North Carolina in 1767. At age fourteen, as the war was coming to a close, he fought with the Revolutionary Forces against the British. Mediocre of mind, rambunctious of spirit, ungovernable of temper, his "to hell with what anybody thinks" attitude won him the admiration and support of the common people.

His flamboyant ways made him invaluable to the conspirators. But he did cause problems, some of which were so glaring that they had to be painted over with a glossy coating of gallantry and/or romanticism.

For example, in the banker-made war with the British in 1812, Jackson and his 2500 volunteer militiamen were discharged without pay while on the battlefield, after which the men were forced to find their way back to Tennessee as best they could. Whatever it was, the reason for the humiliating dismissal has never been disclosed - at least to my knowledge. Possibly it had something to do with the Indian situation which was rife at the time. Despite history's casual treatment of the subject, the truth of Jackson's brutal actions against the Redman were too flagrant, too open, for complete concealment. Could it have been that Jackson and his men were too busy pursuing and shooting Indians to be bothered with the British? For sure, the books I consulted were not telling.



His discharge forgotten, in 1813 Jackson's commission was reinstated, after which he promptly took after the Creek Indians. In 1814 he was made a Major General and put in command of the Department of the South, a government-funded Open Sasame to explore the mysteries of southern hills, mountains, and plateaus, and to raid, scatter and kill all Indians found inhabiting terrain of a particular set of elements. The Indians, whom he could only have regarded as sub-human, barred the way to that which was all important to the conspirators. In 1817, his brutal treatment of the Seminoles reached the point where concealment was impossible, and (a quote) "He again incurred popular disapproval by excessive severity."

Jackson chose Tennessee and the area that is now Nashville as the place to live and launch a career. Possessing little talent for the profession, he nonetheless became a lawyer. Soon thereafter he became prosecuting attorney after which he became a judge. Seemingly able to open all the right doors, subsequently he became a United States Congressman and, not long after, a member of the Senate. With little more ado, he became the "Common Peoples" nominee for the Presidency. Elected, he served two terms, from 1829 to 1837.

Fitting perfectly in Masonry's time slots, actions taken by Jackson during his administration were all designed to further the plans of Pike and other top Illuminists. As President he continued to stamp out and drive Indians off their lands and into desolate regions. His veto of another twenty year charter for the privately owned Bank of the United States immediately plunged the Nation into financial crisis, which paved the way for the return of the banks in a position stronger than ever before. The third of his most important acts as President was his introduction of the anti-Slavery issue which, manufacturing controversy, would swell to the bursting point some 25 years later.

Pike's move to Arkansas, and his early actions in Little Rock, were timed to coincide with Jackson's presidency.



I doubt that in the early 1830's a great many ambitious young men chose Little Rock, Arkansas as the place to find fame and fortune. But with a personality more attuned to big city ways than those of the raw frontier, that is what Albert Pike did.

Upon moving to Little Rock, Pike rather suddenly became a lawyer. Immediately thereafter he took it upon himself to revise the statutes. At the time Arkansas was not a state, so perhaps he needed no special authorization to redo old laws and make a few new ones, all of which doubtless had a lot to do with the affairs of the heavy Indian population.

This is pretty much confirmed by the fact that he quickly became attorney for the Cherokees, for which service he at one time received a fee of $100,000, a staggering amount of money for those days. This payment - for whatever reason - was made during the administration of Andrew Jackson - Jackson, who as President must have had everything to do with the authority Pike came to wield in Little Rock. All of which seemingly poses a paradox since Jackson's creed regarding Indiana was "kill all you can and move the rest out." Pike, on the other hand, coddled the Indians, so much that they regarded him as their good, pale-faced friend.



Beyond doubt, they looked to him for advise, guidance, and protection. Which boils down to two sides taking opposing positions to achieve the same end, which was to move the Indian off his land after - as in the case of Pike - wringing from him all possible information regarding entranceways to an underground world of strange beings and fabulous treasure.

Pike and Jackson knew the legends were true. They weren't the first white men to attempt to loosen the Indian tongue with pretended good will, trinkets and booze or, as they would wild animals, shoot them, to remove them from their lodgings which, close to the rivers edge were perhaps beneath an overhanging cliff and beside a rough hole leading into a cave. The discovery and exploration of the Arkansas, Missouri and Mississippi rivers, which form a rough triangle, was for something other than making history and to bedazzle with tales of the beauty and richness of it all... Ponce de Leon, LaSalle, Desoto hundreds of years ago, and others thousands of years before them.

Before the Indians came, before there was a recorded history, there lived in the land that is now Arkansas a people who, fair of completion, have yet to be identified. Carvings of these ancient dwellers of the Ozarks appear on the walls of caves, of which the region abounds. To have knowledge of these beings - earthlings or otherwise - would go a long way toward solving the larger mystery that of our planet and our beginning which, though known by a few, is not told to us.



Arkansas was named after the Quapaw Indians, who were also called the Arkansas. Of the Sionuin Tribes (note the Sion), the Quapaw were famous as buffalo hunters. In 1818 they were persuaded - by what means I have no way of knowing - to give to the United States their land laying between the Arkansas and Red rivers. With the Osage and Cherokee prominent in the northern part, in one way or another Arkansas Indians, as well as those in Missouri, were dispossessed of their hunting and fishing grounds until, by the year 1840, the larger part has been moved onto reservations in Oklahoma Territory. (While I don't have the current figure, by the mid 1950s all but a few hundred Arkansas Indians were living on reservations)



Bang, Bang, in quick order, the Texas War of Independence and the War with Mexico, both fought to annex to the Union all foreign owned land between Canada and Mexico. Then the biggest bang of all when the Masonic/Democratic South attempted to take over the Vatican/Republican North.

A Texan born of Texans, I'll never forget the thrill I felt when as a child I read Texas history, over and over again.

Those brave men of the Alamo! Waiting for reinforcement that never came, their ammunition all but exhausted, a few too ill to rise from their bed, some active despite bullet wounds, all were weakened by loss of sleep and too little food. Taking the place of fallen comrades, those who could climbed the ladders to man the courtyard wall. In the notches they positioned their old muskets and rifles; putting their eye to the sights, they looked down the long barrels.

Properly attired for the occasion, the bayonets at the end of the enemy's fine guns glittered in the sun. Like robots the Mexicans advanced. When one fell, the gap was quickly filled. Dragging along their cannons, there was no need to surround the compound, for there were so many of them.

Ah, but the Battle of San Jacinto righted that wrong. San Jacinto was the good part that made the bad part worth reading. There on that battlefield near the San Jacinto River the tables were turned - and gloriously! How that ragged little band - the very first sons of Texas - did show up those cocky little Mexicans and their great general, Santa Anna!. Surprised as they were taking their ease - and only half-dressed - they did run off helter-skelter, seeking escape from the fury of the vengeful Texans. What a trouncing they took!... And now Texas was free of the pesky Mexicans (Indians)!.... So much for childhood's innocence ....

Truth means death to the conspiracy, therefore only the framework of history's main events are chronicled truthfully... the rest is twisted to influence the thinking of future generations.

Sam Houston was the leader of the rugged men who, at San Jacinto, wrested from Mexican control the vast territory of Texas. While Houston's life was colorful with adventure and great political and military strides, throughout his career he appears a haunted and unhappy man.

As a boy in Tennessee he lived for years with the Cherokees. So much was he part of them that Chief Oolooteka adopted him as his son. Departing the Indians, at age twenty Houston enlisted in the regular army. There, under GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON, he made war on the Creek Indians and aided in negotiations with the Cherokees. Upon returning to Nashville and civilian life, he became a lawyer, after which he served in the United States Congress. This led to his election as governor of Tennessee. When only three months into the term he resigned as governor and returned to the Cherokees to live. The miserable state to which they had been reduced over a short period of time must have shocked him for in a desire to help he went to Washington to plead their cause.

In 1832 Houston went to Texas where he became leader of the colonists. After San Jacinto, he was made President of the new republic. Serving three terms, in 1845, Texas was admitted into the Union. For twelve years Houston was a United States Senator from Texas. Divided by the phony issue of Slavery, by 1858 the people of the Nation's North and South were hurling insults at each other... The American Civil War was in the immediate offing. Running on the platform of preservation of the Union, in that year of 1859 Houston was elected governor of Texas. In 1861, Texas Confederates voted for secession. When Houston refused to take Texas out of the Union he was removed from office.

Was Houston one of the conspirators? I doubt it. As most men are vulnerable to a chance at Fame and Fortune, he appears to have allowed himself to be used for the sake of a political career. An idealist, and beyond doubt of high moral character, his conscience must have been deeply disturbed by his actions against the Indians while serving in the Army and under the command of Andrew Jackson.

Houston lived in Nashville, an area vital to Masonry's plotters. Becoming one of them, the Cherokees must have told Houston many of the secrets of the world beneath Nashville, secrets extending westward into the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas



and westward into New Mexico. The very fact that he remained adamant in his desire to keep Texas in the union proclaims non-involvement in the Illuminati-Masonic plot to divide the Nation and bring it into war with itself.



Lasting from 1846 to 1848, the war with our neighbor country to the south was but another link in the chain of Masonic crimes against humanity.

The war with Mexico followed hard on the heels of the Texas War of Independence. Both conflicts were contrived for the purpose of wresting from Mexico land which, contiguous to territories already acquired, was valued for something of still greater importance than that which was obvious.

The United States offered Mexico $15 million plus cancellation of her $3 million debt if she would accept the Rio Grande as a boundary line and deliver California and New Mexico as well!

But the Mexican government refused to speak to John Slidell, the American minister to Mexico. Exactly what he wanted, Slidell, who was destined to become a commissioner in the Confederacy, proposed that, like an impudent child, the revolution-riddled country be "chastised."



Regarding this, my old reference book states: "The Americans wanted to occupy the territory Mexico had been asked to sell. The United States could have won what it wanted without a war. They also wished to invade Mexico in order to force the Mexicans to agree to peace terms."

...Perhaps back then there were historians who, with some integrity, couldn't bring themselves to garnish the truth with a coat of lies.

There is little one can do but believe the contemporaneous record... unless one becomes sufficiently suspicious and persistent. Bounded by Canada, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Gulf of Mexico and Mexico, all territories were now secured. There would be a short period for relaxation and preparation before Masonry plunged the Nation into the most wicked of her wars.



The effect of the Civil War had lost its sharp edge by 1900, the year in which William Coin Harvey moved from Chicago to the Ozarks. At the time the people of the Nation had no idea that waiting in the wings was an untouchable banking system that would pave the way for a world war that would yield to the world's money lenders a harvest of unprecedented wealth and power.

Harvey, who must have been something of a seer, sensed a lot of what was in store for the Nation. An attorney, engineer, economist and author, he was a strong believer in precious metals as a monetary standard; for that reason he was nicknamed "Coin." Aware, even back then, that the Nation and civilization were doomed by the international privately-owned banking system, Harvey declared: "It is fair to presume that some evil trait in human character resulting in an economic poison in the construction of government and society is the cause of the death of the civilizations that have preceded us... At the time this is written it is a fair presumption that it is now too late to save the civilization. In an era of political, mental, moral dementis, it is plunging to its ruin."

Harvey's feelings about what so few of us recognize led him to become the Liberty Party's 1931 candidate for President of the United States. Of course Coin had as little chance of being elected as a new-born babe. Instead the stupefied electorate freely chose F.D.R., the bankers choice of their stable of Gentile toadies to eliminate the final barrier to fleecing the populace: GOLD IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE.

Harvey may have been eccentric but he wasn't stupid. Realizing his chance of becoming the Nation's leader was non-existent, perhaps he was only seeking publicity. A favorable press out of the question, Coin must have been a man like the anti-monetarist, Lyndon LaRouche, who now sits moldering in a Virginia jail cell.

In moving to Arkansas, Harvey chose the Northwest sector. Why? Could it have been that, like the Confederate guerrilla fighter, William Quantrill, the bank robber, Jesse James, Gen. Joseph Shelby and others of the Knights of the Golden Circle years before him, Harvey also



knew what was hidden within the mountains, hills and valleys of that particular area... perhaps providing an answer to the question, where did he get the money to go forward with such an elaborate plan, much of which realized, involved the very best of ancient Greece and Egypt's architectural tribute to the gods and goddesses.

Of the four planned hotels, two were, built, also a railroad line... One thing for certain, Harvey was no slouch when it came to choosing friends, for he hobnobbed only with the rich and the famous. It was during the early 1920s, and the closest town was Rogers. Harvey had built on an island in the midst of a lovely spring-fed lake a magnificent stadium, Grecian in design. Within the concrete with which it was constructed were encrusted iridescent river mussel shell. Seating over one thousand, the amphitheater's throne-like seats and couches rose one row above another.

With a platform rather than a stage, the stately. Stadium's purpose was political. Harvey had strong feelings about what he and several others could clearly see: the deterioration of republican society. No doubt he was seeking some way to stem it, or stop the tide altogether... Possibly like many ancient Greeks and Egyptians, he too knew that civilization's problems would not be solved by those of the surface but by those far beneath and high in heaven:

William Jennings Bryan was among the famous who visited Harvey and his resort. They were transported by Harvey's special railroad and by gondolas gliding along an elm-lined canal. Upon entering the lake, the narrow boats moved toward the island and stadium as gracefully and unperturbed as the swans Harvey had thoughtfully placed upon the smooth water.  

The centerpiece of the spectacular was to have been a pyramid 136 feet high standing upon a 60-foot-square base (the figures no doubt symbolic).

Harvey did get started on his pyramid. Hundreds of tons of rock were blasted to attain 70 feet of level foundation. A shaft was sunk in the solid rock of the adjacent mountain to reach a spring for gravity flow to test the solidity of the rock... Harvey never did anything halfway.

Amidst all the old magnificence, these proceedings, plus a new feature, an elaborate swimming pool with individual dressing rooms, had the natives gasping with wonder. Watching, they gossiped and began to make jokes and poke fun at all the concrete grandeur.

No doubt Harvey was humiliated by this. But something far worse was about to happen. The Stock Market Crash ushered in the Great Depression. F.D.R. became President, banks closed and gold coins disappeared... a field day for the Usury Merchants! Along about this time Coin's finances slipped to zero. In vain he asked for donations so he could complete his pyramid. His health began to fail and suddenly it was all over.

In 1956, most of what was built of the pyramid disappeared in Beaver Lake - at this point a dam was impounding the waters of the White River. Except for the highest of the seats and couches, the amphitheatre too was submerged in water. However, the burial vault that Harvey had built was moved to the safety of a hillside.

With the feel of the seer whose dream would fail to materialize, Harvey wrote: "The Ozarks are among the world's oldest mountains, compared with them the Rockies are young. These Midwestern Highlands once reached an altitude of 14,000 feet or more but through erosion have been worn down to about 1500 feet." Believing the valleys would eventually be filled by the silt of erosion, he planned a metal plate for his pyramid on which would be the words: "When this can be read, go below and find a record of, and the cause of the death of a former civilization."

In an area which like a magnet drew reckless men in quest of dangerous adventure, Harvey lived in the Ozarks many years. The Ozarks are rich with legends of gold and silver hidden within certain caves. Could this have been the source of the vast amount of money Coin sank into his project? A teasing thought, after all, Coin hit the skids at the same time gold was removed from banks and people's pockets.



Well I remember my first October day in the Ozarks. My husband and I had stayed over night at a motel in Marshall. A cold snap, probably the first of the season, had moved in. A novelty where I live, a bit of ice had formed, and the air was more than a bit nippy.

Some seven miles beyond the tiny community of Morning Star, we drove the fifteen miles to the land we had bought, at the time I didn't know for what reason, other than I wanted it badly. I shall always puzzle over how easy it had been to talk Earl into "let's buy it." After all, it was 500 miles from our home in South Texas, where we had planned to continue living. We had no particular use for the place and, besides, we didn't have money to just "pitch around."

The morning glowed with golden light. Shining benignly and taking the edge from the chill, the sun gilded the leaves now turned to gorgeous shades of orange, yellow and red. I well remember that first walk down the rough path leading to the Hollow. The air all but crackled, it was so alive. My blood fairly tingled and I felt so brisk and good. It was as though I was being charged, plugged in, you might say.

The Hollow is like a bowl with wide fluted flange. At that time there was in this "big dip" a log house built on a narrow strip of flat land. Three rooms with a porch across the front, I had grand plans for that old abode. (But, alas!...) Beside that poignant relic was a walk-in hole-in-the-ground cave. There the folk living in the house had kept their milk, butter, eggs, canned fruits and vegetables.

About a hundred yards away, and best reached through the boulder-strewn ravine, was a beautiful cave... that is before the bulldozer came to tear it up so the cows could get to the brook for a clean drink of water. Sheltering the entrance to the cave was an overhanging bluff. After heavy rains come there gushes from out its rock wall a spring of enormous volume. This has been happening for such a long time that the rocks between which the water flows have been eroded into a gaping mouth.

Here the Indians once lived and hunted buffalo along the nearby river. Until they depleted their find, folks came here to dig for Indian artifacts... To this day I can smell the cave smell of damp clay and rock and hear the sound of rushing water falling from the wall into the little brook wending its way to deposit a share of water into the Buffalo River.

From the start I felt the mystery here. But not until after the bones of both my legs were crushed did the feeling take definite form. Something is happening down below and up above, and I must know!

Military planes fly over so low that it seems their intention is to take off my roof. Helicopters too sometimes circle the place, like vultures scrounging for something special. For no apparent reason, numerous blackouts affect this particular vicinity. One clear night my lamps started popping and the television went kaput. Only after I bought a new one did I discover the old one had suddenly resuscitated and was working as good as new again.

So, I find myself bearing down hard on Ozark mysteries... Always feeling guided, I stumble upon clues. One little clue leads to another. In this respect, my old reference books have been an invaluable aid.



From the early 1950s, Volume A of the "newest" of my three encyclopedia states: "A people now unknown lived in Arkansas country before men began to record history." The very name, Ozark (Oz-ark), implies mystery. Doubtless among countless unreported finds of a fabulous kind, from east to west, all across Arkansas' northern Ozarks objects of unaccountable origin have been found: Stone idols, large and small (one wears a nose ring pounded out of a gold nugget and, pursuant to European culture, bears a valentine-like heart symbol on the chest); figures of stars, men and animals and, inside a rockhouse beneath the overhang of a bluff, a black, onyx human skull and, lying beside it a book of metal plates with peculiar engraving. (The book of plates was sent to the Smithsonian for identification. Acknowledgement has never been received, despite numerous requests. Thus are we thwarted in our efforts to learn the truth of our planet's remote past.)

On the other side of Marshall, in the little community of Snowballs the skeleton of a 7 foot female was unearthed, also a 20 pound hammer. A few miles away the magnetic field is so unsettled that the compass jumps about wildly. And towards the nearby Buffalo River, WHICH - I AM TOLD - IS THE ONLY NATIONALIZED RIVER IN THE WHOLE NATION, numerous UFO sightings have been reported.

Last October (1988), around 10 P.M., a light so bright that it appeared blue, arose from the Buffalo and spread out over the entire countryside. Seen all over the State one reporter remarked, "We've been having a lot of unusual phenomena in the sky recently, that's been unexplained. We get all kinds of strange calls."

Not the first time that brilliant luminosity has been seen arising from the Buffalo, Armand Laprade, who lives in the Hollow, had an up-close view of the spectacle. Baffled and unable to isolate the reason for numerous strange happenings down in the "bowl," he continues frustrated.

In an old magazine someone sent to Armand is an article about the Ozarks. Oddly, one whole page is blacked out. Since that would hardly have been done by the sender - else why would he have bothered in the first place - presumably it was done by the publisher by design or on command. What remains of the article tantalizes and piques, leaving one at a loss. But there is this:

In 1834, on the grounds of Cane Hill College - Arkansas' first institute of higher learning - were ruins of what was believed to have been the corner of an entire city, the rest having decayed and been buried by time and the elements. (Cane Hill is in the county below the one in which, in the midst of architectural replicas of the kind ancient Greeks and Egyptians built to eulogize their pagan gods, Coin Harvey began construction of his Cheops-type pyramid... All of which points to Coin having been pagan himself.)

Cherokee legend tells of annual councils held in the ruins, considered sacred for thousands of years. In the wilderness of southern Carroll County, which is east of the county in which are the remains of Coin's grand project, a sheer cliff rises beside a clear flowing stream emerging from a nearby cave. At the base is a doorway which, carved into the escarpments leads to a winding tunnel ending abruptly in a tiny round room. The doorway is only four feet high, and the tunnel slightly shorter... A doorway many thousands of years old, leading to a tunnel that an adult human can barely squeeze through, yet there is no doubt that it exists and was carved by skilled hands... Could it have been the work of the "Moon-eyed" people, Moon-eyed extraterrestrials (ETs) three to four feet tall? All over the region, evidence abounds.

The meat of the article must have been on the missing page for in the windup the author asks: "What prompted 100,000 men to fight to the death in hand-to-hand combat 8,000 years ago? Who built the city, traces of which were found at Cane Hill, and the tiny tunnel in Carroll County? And there remains the further unspoken question: How could so many discoveries have been made during the early years of this century and not have been followed up? Could it be that too much unclassifiable evidence was being turned up and was suppressed?"

Beautiful and beckoning, the Ozarks can be likened to the Lorelei, something of which the natives appear unaware. But I feel it keenly, and have from the beginning. Like a Magnet the Ozarks drew me from my Texas home. Never waning, the feeling has grown more intense with the passage of time.



According to his daughter, on March 20th, 1858, Albert Pike was crowned Active Member of the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, at Charleston, South Carolina, and in an act committed expressly for the purpose, upon the resignation of Brother John Honour, was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States on January 2nd, 1859 (Just in time to make it for the Civil War - ed)

Nineteen years later, in 1878, in an address before his Council, Pike confessed: "I am often asked why we do not publish our old transactions, to which I am compelled to reply, that we have none to publish. We have no records of the transactions at Charleston from 1801 to 1860. What records we had were destroyed during the War." Thus did "Free"-masonry burn its bridges to prevent the suspicious from discovering the actual perpetrators of the War Between the States, the actual reasons why people of the same blood senselessly slaughtered each other.

Somewhere around 1855, Albert Pike pulled up stakes and, departing his 13 room house, the beloved Indian mounds and the secrets of Little Rock's Arkansas River caves, pointed himself northwesterly. His destination was Fort Smith, in the county adjoining the one in which Cain Hill is located. Situated on a high point of land where the Poteau River flows into the Arkansas, to the occultist, this cave-studded terrain, rich in legend of a hairy man-like monster creature, and small people with round eyes, must have presented enormous potential for exploration and possible usurpation; then, perhaps, he knew very well what was below, and his mission in Fort Smith was more a matter of protecting from curious eyes hidden facts which, if known, would spell doom to Masonry's objective.

Soon to serve as Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army, Pike would also be named by the Confederate Government as Indian Commissioner in charge of conducting negotiations with the most powerful tribes. Then to make operable an army of rampageous Indians, he was made Governor of Indian Territory.


The plan was executed with military precision. Abutting the bustling town of Fort Smith and forming the western border of Arkansas was the Reservation with its heavy concentration of Arkansas Indians who, still trusting, failed to realize they had been trapped and betrayed by the man they called their friend.

For a while Pike taught school in Fort Smith, which no doubt was a cover for other operations, such as instilling in the Indians under his charge more hatred of Whites, particularly those of the North, and teaching them evermore barbarous ways of waging war.

As one of its architects, Pike knew the time for Civil War was nigh. And well he knew the dates for calamitous events. Then as now, Masonry relied upon a number system to work out a series of events leading ultimately to "a crisis." All of which, no doubt, was calculated by computer... Computers back then? Of course, hundreds, even thousands of years ago! Even as, at the time of Albert Pike, high Masons in the United States had instant voice contact with high Masons in sensitive Masonic points in Europe and Asia. They possessed instruments of amazing simplicity, yet far more advanced than what serves the same purpose today.

Freemasonry's very existence depended upon a civil war in this country. Everything was at stake. The industrial North's heavy population was preponderantly Catholic and/or conservative minded, while the sparse, cotton-growers of the South were more inclined toward Protestantism and a democratic (liberal) form of government.

Therefore the Vatican, which was aligned with powerful Jews of the Pharisee kind (today's Zionists), had a heavy say in what went on in the North. Particularly was Catholicism a force to be reckoned with politically. The main barrier to pushing through banking bills that would, install a banking system that could - and would - take full possession of the Nation's economy and, therefore, the government, perhaps of greater importance was Vatican/rightwing Jew control of Northern power points - locations where positive and negative elements draw together magnetically to form a power source of invisible yet intense energy.

Unknown to all except top initiates - and certain Indians - these places are vital to the nether world inhabitants; they also are places where, if one could see their way in the dark, one might stumble across gold and silver treasure, and gems to stagger the imagination.

Despite the fact that he was a known "abolitionist" - pro-slavery's opponent, Pike entered the war on the side of the Confederacy. At last he was able to unleash Indian savagery with full force. The atrocities committed against the men in blue at Pea Ridge and Elkhorn were so appalling that foreign governments upon hearing of them lodged protests, after which Jefferson Davis was forced to call a halt to the beastly conduct. Due to his callous disregard for rules of civilized warfare, Pike was imprisoned for awhile. But disgrace has a habit of disappearing permanently when studiously ignored by those who write history.

After allowing time to forget, Arkansas not only forgave Pike his miserable misdeeds but actually honored him for what he had done! In time to make it for World War I, there was built just outside Little Rock a military training center. Accommodating over 100,000 recruits, the huge facility was named... Camp Pike! However, somewhere along the line there had to have been strong objection - no doubt from persons knowing the true nature of Freemasonry and some of the truth of Albert Pike, for the name was changed to Camp Robinson.

Doubtless, it was to honor Pike, Masonry's number one Gentile destroyer - when, amidst wild protest of angry white parents, Little Rock was singled out as the place to first thrust black children into a white school... Remember, Pike was a school teacher in Arkansas... Adhering closely to Masonry's propensity to use the number 13 - a code used frequently and openly to convey messages to top-layer occultists - Arkansas' State Flag was adopted in 1913, which was the same year Washington's Masonic lawmakers allowed the Hittite/Canaanite Federal Reserve System to sneak in and, with no strings attached, dispense the Nation's money.

The log cabin in which Pike taught school in Fort Smith has been preserved as a memorial. Looking over a 1976 (7+6=13) Bicentennial map of Arkansas, I note with interest the number13 marked on the dam site on Fort Smith's side the Arkansas River. Inspecting a detailed enlargement of Fort Smith, I note an Albert Pike thoroughfare near the dam.

Directly across the Arkansas River from Fort Smith is Van Buren. Serving both cities, there, not far from the water's edge, is the Crawford County Courthouse. Constructed on what remained of the original which, along with most of the courthouse records, was destroyed by fire in 1877 (is it any wonder the conspirators adore the god of Fire?) the present Courthouse is charming with Eighteenth Century Revolutionary styling. Interesting is the shuttered cupola and its clock, over which, as though biding its time, is Masonry's Triangle.

A final note, Camp Robinson (formerly Camp Pike) and Fort Smith, both of which were Pike's stamping grounds, are now federal reservations. I have read that Fort Chaffee, which is incorporated into Fort Smith, is one of the concentration camps to which protesting Christian patriots are to be sent - probably for extermination - during the coming Time of the End.



Recently it was announced over a Springfield, Missouri television station that the Ku Klux Klan is now centered in the Ozarks (Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas), with headquarters just out of Harrison, Arkansas. Which completes a circle since it was right here in the Ozarks that well over a hundred years ago, twelve members of the Knights of the Golden Circle formed what would become the controversial Ku Klux Klan (Ku Klux meaning circle - Klansmen of the Golden Circle, in other words, men of the Sungod, Lucifer.)

Although the Civil War had ended, the South continued to be bombarded by the North, only at this time it was Reconstruction that was blasting southern landowners of what remained of their earthly possessions.

Although hatred of the Carpetbagger and outrage over that segment of black population that had become arrogant and abusive due to new-found freedom did figure into the scheme in a secondary way, history has never and will never disclose the real reason for the formation of the KKK.

In the beginning, the Klan was headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee which, in Davidson County, is on the Cumberland River. Not distant from the Andrew Jackson Heritage House, the Klan building, in which no doubt most of the organizations records were stored, stood on the spot where the Grand Ole Opry House now sits.

Which poses several questions, one, why two states instead of one in those days of difficult travel, and, two, is the house where the great of Country and Western music makers do their thing a sort of manhole cover hiding something deep beneath - say an underground passageway interspersed with caverns winding' its way westward 'into the mountains and hills of Missouri and Arkansas' Ozarks - caverns housing people and gear of the electronic kind?

The Klan symbol is the Maltese Cross, which is also the symbol of the Rothschild-financed Mafia. Long serving the media as its "whipping boy," the Klan has been one of Masonry's most effective tools. Until recent years a virulent adversary of Catholicism, the Klan is tricky and clandestine, a fact which escapes the membership generally. Ostensively Christian, its influence is widely felt. By street demonstrations, newsletter and other literature, it appears the Klan is strictly for God and Country, against the mixing of the White and Black races and - against the Jew, specifically the Zionist Jew.

Zionism has long had good relations with the Vatican, which is Communism's foe, as well as its bedfellow, Masonry... But upon reaching into the depth of the sewage, one drags forth the stinking fact that Masonry's cabalistic head is like an aisle separating two enemies retching with hatred for each other. To the right of the aisle is Masonry's religious, Zionist Jew, to the left is Masonry's non-religious Bolshevik Jew. With both sides possessing wealth to buy governments, Masonry achieves division resulting in tumult, revolution, war, internal and external...



It's time to dispense with all that confuses and to simplify, hence: The Knights of the Golden Circle equals the Ku Klux Klan which equals Illuminism which equals Freemasonry.

Among the Illuminists - or Masons - who were founders of the KKK were Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin (A Jew Rothschild agent said to have been the actual head of the



Confederacy), John Patterson (Jefferson Davis' alias), Gen. Nathan B. Forrest, Gen. H.I. Shelby, Prof. B.E. Bedezek, George Payne, the outlaws Jesse James, Bud Dalton, Lewis Dalton, Cole Younger, the terrorist William Quantrill. Due to belief in the integrity of Confederate politicians and military leaders and, no doubt abhorrence of Albert Pike who believed in human sacrifice, hardcore patriots have chosen to believe there were two Klans originally, one led by Albert Pike, the other by Bedford Forrest. All of which amounts to horse feathers.

Formed here in the Ozarks, there were no differences barring a union between Pike and Forrest, for all were Masons serving the same heathen gods. (An interesting sidenote: Like others who have served Freemasonry meritoriously, Jesse James has also been glorified posthumously. Articles, books, movies, TV, all portray Jesse as an arresting figure to be likened to Robin Hood; a brave son who had every right to avenge his sacred mother abused by Northern scalawags by robbing banks and trains.)

According to honest, Christian writers, at the close of the Civil War a number of Confederate bigwigs, and a few important men who had turned bandit, put their heads together to form the KKK. By means of this vehicle they proposed to take revenge upon the North by reopening the Civil War... Not satisfied with winning the war, the unconscionable North was mercilessly sending into the South unscrupulous and ruthless men. These agents were telling negroes wanting to lord it over strickened White Southerners to "go ahead," they were free now to do as they pleased. A situation shocking and beyond belief, beleaguered Southerners were being stripped of the little they had left by outrageous taxation, crazy new laws and enforcers bereft of souls.

Gardens had been ravaged, farm animals and fowl stolen, fields that once provided luxuries as well as a living lay scorched, pitted and barren. Homes not burned to the ground had been vandalized and plundered of everything of value. Worst of all, too many husbands and sons were gone forever, and those who had returned were maimed, or crippled, or so weakened by disease and unfit food that, instead of taking hold and running things, they were but another burden.

All of which boiled down to justification by any means of obtaining the enormous amount of money needed to revive the South, and put her on the march again. That is the scenario, or one much on, that order, that mostly honest publishers have led honest, truth-seeking Christians to believe.

Holding all the high cards, Christianity's enemies stay out of trouble by ignoring that which might provide a glimpse of truth which could lead to other glimpses, after which the hand could be lost and possibly the game!

For example, in glamorizing Jesse there is omitted the fact that not only did the bandit visit Nashville frequently, he lived there four years, and it was there that two of his children were born. The other thing carefully overlooked is that Jesse and gang hid out in caves... Both matters which seem of little significance.

Jesse and brother Frank were born and raised in Kearney, Clay County, Missouri. A hop, skip and jump from the Missouri River and City of Independence which, the homeplace of bigshot Mason and demon President of the United States, Harry Solomon Truman, in the early 1830's was the area chosen by Mormon Joseph Smith for colonization.



Years before Jesse was born, two men who, years beforehand had knowledge of the coming American Civil hurt moved into the Ozarks: Albert Pike, who was to become Masonry's big boss and Joseph Smith who, if not a Mason at the time would become one later. Regardless of other secret society affiliation, at the time both men were firmly in the camp of Lucifer, the god of the Golden Chariot, our Sun.

While alongside the Arkansas River Pike was palavering with Indians and, as their "trusted friend and adviser," selling them down the river and onto reservations, alongside the Missouri River Smith was telling his red and white converts that the land on which they stood (now Independence, Missouri) was Biblical Zion.

Smith's feeling toward Missouri Indians must have been mixed. Like Pike, he knew they possessed accurate knowledge of the lower world. He had been guided to the site he called Zion by Indians. His Book of Mormon glorified certain Indians as the Chosen Ones... According to Smith, the blood of these Indians was mixed with that of ancient Israelites who, fleeing Palestine at the fall of Judah to the Babylonians, migrated to America, after which they were guided to the Ozarks, where they made their home.



It was early in the last century when, according to Smith, he dug from out of a hill in Palmyra, New York, gold tablets bearing Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Of recent date, scientists were digging secretly in Mt. Mead which, near Woodstock, is also near Palmyra (Because it was once surrounded by circling stones much like those at Stonehenge, Woodstock is also called "Devils Tombstone.")

Before stopped by vandals who, upon learning what was going on, sneaked in to make off with many of the priceless artifacts, the scientists, because of the nature of their discovery, reached the conclusion that the Catskill Mountains had been a beehive of activity 10,000 to 15,000 years ago: that, in fact the region appeared to have been part of the lost continent of Atlantis!

One of the artifacts unearthed by the scientists was a gold plate which they said bore inscription of Mayan influence. This, due to the nearness of Smith's dig to Mt. Mead, leads me to believe that Smith's plates were not inscribed with "reformed Egyptian characters," as he claimed, but instead bore markings identical to the plate uncovered by the scientists... And further, that it wasn't a Urim and Thummin that translated the markings on Smith's plates but Indians educated in the language traced to the time when Quetzalcoatl visited the Americas for the purpose of giving the primitive natives a sophisticated culture and a language of their own.

Smith knew the origin of American Indians because through them he had learned of the lower world: he also knew how they had traveled to reach the Americas. Further, he knew that within certain tribes of Indians in the Upper America and in Central America-Guatemala were tribes with members who, because of ancient breeding with the Caucasian, still retain fair skin, eyes often blue in color and hair often reddish of hue.



In the early 1950's there was an organization of Indians from Canada, the United States, Mexico and South America known as the "League of Nations Pro-American Indians." The purpose of the organization was to further the cause of the Lamanites, Indians who, with blood of the White, had been designated by Joseph Smith as Chosen of God.

At that time, a meeting was held in Independence by the chiefs of the organization to "adopt the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" as the State Church of the Indian Nations.

At the meeting a matter was brought up that was of extreme importance for it pertained to the most carefully guarded of the "secrets." The matter was the city of White Indians located in Guatemala. The city is called "Star God City," in commemoration of the visit of the white-bearded god who had visited the ancestors of the American Indians of Guatemala. It was from his symbol, the Morning Star, that the name "Star God City" was derived, (God of the Sun, the white bearded visitor was Lucifer who, taking the form of a human, was known to Aztec, Mayan and Inca Indians as Quetzalcoatl. The phallic God, this being not only accepted human sacrifice, he also taught the proper way to tear out the heart! To give him the Morning Star - Venus - as his symbol amounts to total blasphemy, for the Morning Star is of Jesus Christ.)

Star God City is located near El Gelbo, Guatemala, and is on the shore of a lake. In the early 1950's it was populated by some 200 white Indians. Around the city is a limestone wall. In each of the four sides is a gate. Besides the dwellings, within the walls are four temples.

The language of the White Indians is of the old Mayan people or, as Latter Day Saints believe, the original tongue of the Lamanites and Nephites. Anyone visiting the city would need two interpreters, one versed in Spanish, the other in Mayan.

According to reports, the people of Star God City, are looking forward with great longing to the "Second coming of the Star God" of Jesus Christ (again blasphemy) and the building of the Holy City in which the Star God will dwell (How Scripture has been bent to fulfill the desires of the utterly wicked. According to Joseph Smith, the Holy City is to be built in the area along the Missouri River once occupied by his followers... Now the city of Independence, it is my belief that he meant in the vast caverns beneath what was once the hometown of the obnoxious Harry Truman.)

At the 1951 conference in Independence it was reported that White Indians of Star God City have records of their people dating back to ancient times. Their belief is that the story of Esther (Biblical Book of Esther) corroborates the records. In fact, their belief is that the Book of Esther verifies the "truthfulness of the Book of Mormon" (the Book of Esther is the one book of the Old Testament that I regard as completely spurious.)

Vicious and spiteful, the Jew, Esther, who wielded tremendous political power, instilled in all non-Jews fear of the Jews (Canaanites), a fear which, persisting down through the millennia, is more pervasive today than ever before. Another point to be brought out is that Esther represents Ishstar [sic?] (Easter is a tribute to Esther), the Hittite/Canaanite Aphrodite, the Moon Goddess, the consort of Lucifer the Sungod, whom both the Catholic Church and Mormon Church disguise as the Virgin Mary and her son, Jesus Christ.

Discussed at the meeting were the records kept by the Guatemala White Indians. Containing history of the deepest past, not only of Indians of Central America but most of the tribes of North America as well, all is inscribed on metal plates... which brings to mind the metal plates found in the Ozarks which, sent to the Smithsonian, were never acknowledged.



It was also brought out that Indians in the northeastern part of the United States - the area where Smith lived as a boy - wrote on lead plates, some of which had been seen by Indians attending the conference.

According to tradition, Indians have lived in America continuously since the time of Adam, and their number has been augmented from time to time by fresh migrations (Migrating from where? Only one place is possible - the underworld!) This means that at the time of the creation of white Adam and Eve there were a number of races of people living within Earth's hollow interior and after the time Adam and Eve were seduced by the alien, Satan. Some of the inhabitants of the inner-world were sent upon the surface to colonize the land. From the Book of Genesis I learn that before the Flood there was a cataclysm which apparently destroyed the inhabitants of surface colonies, while reducing the life span of coming surface dwellers from many hundreds of years to a mere hundred and twenty years. After the Flood destroyed Atlantis, and the remnant of Lemuria, the length of life of those who would again emerge from the sub-world to colonize the face of the planet would be still further reduced.

The beliefs of these Latter Day Saints Indians closely parallels beliefs held by members of the Identity Church which is that during the time of King Zedekiah, Judah's defeat at the hands of the Babylonians, and the subsequent Captivity, a troop of Israelites departed the Holy Land to migrate to America. Winding up in the Ozarks, it is at this point that Identity moves in another direction... and very convincingly. Their belief is that the Prophet Jeremiah led the group, and that in their possession was the all-powerful electronic wonder, the Ark of the Covenant. Further, they believe the Ark of the Covenant was deposited within Arkansas' State-controlled Magazine Mountain, which adjoins Mt. Nebo. About midway between Little Rock and Fort Smith, these mountains are alongside the Arkansas River. Nearby are the twin Petit Jean mountains. Atop one of these mountains is the mansion of the late and one-time governor of Arkansas, Winthrop Rockefeller. Whether the headquarters, I do not know, but for many years the Rockefellers have maintained a ranch in this beautifully rugged and cave-pitted area... It is my thought that within the mountain on which the mansion sits is an inhabited cavern, one of the most sensitive of the Ozark's underworld.

Cramming Catholicism, and all its conjuring down their throats, Spaniards tried to wring from Mayan and Inca Indians the underground locations of treasure too massive to measure; gold and silver bars, too heavy for a man to lift, precious gems by the boxful, all untouched since the time of Atlantis.


Captain John Cleve Symmes, who fought in the War of 1812, traveled the country telling people that Planet Earth is hollow and has two openings, one at the top, the other at the bottom.

Because of potential for trade with an underground nation, the Congressional Commerce Committee conducted an investigation of Symmes' claims. Unfortunately, a vote turned down funds needed to pursue the matter. However, the extremely interested Secretary of the Navy, Southard, was able to authorize a single Navy vessel to send to the South Pole to search for the gateway to that other world.

Plans for the journey were under way when Andrew Jackson succeeded Adams in the White House. The Indian's worst enemy quickly skewered the plan and dumped it in the trash where it remains to this day.


Until I began digging for clues with which to help solve the mystery, I had given little thought to the Indians of the Americas. It is as though what I write is timed; that pieces of the puzzle are given only when needed... Perhaps otherwise my mind would become so cluttered that I would be unable to use any of it.

Because of the fact that we are denied even an inkling of its existence, it is difficult to believe there is a world beneath the one on which we live. But it is so. I know first from Scripture and now from other sources as well.

I know now the truth of why Indians were massacred and ruthlessly run off their land. The depth of the infamy is blacker than the nether world where there is no artificial lighting.



I have been told that the Buffalo is the only nationalized river in the Nation. If true, why? Why was this little river singled out? Other than scenic and fine to float, the Buffalo appears of little significance. To deepen the mystery, by the White River into which the Buffalo flows are the caverns of Blanchard Springs. Now owned by the government, these caverns have been developed. Now a tourist attraction to which visitors come from just about everywhere, there is an elevator to accommodate the two levels of caverns open to tourists; all entrancingly lighted, a tour-guide explains and answers questions and makes certain that Nature's wonders are not touched by human hand.

There is yet another level to this particular system of caverns, one which I doubt will ever be developed. Why? I think it is because of the division of a natural passageway and what is beyond. At this point there is a choice of directions, one to the right, the other to the left. Written on one wall are these words from the Book of Isaiah, 2:10: "Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty." Preceding this verse are these verses, (7,8,9) "Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots: Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not." To reinforce and give more meaning to these words of Isaiah are these verses from chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation: "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondsman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains: And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb."

The words are plain enough, but to further clarify:... Hidden within caves of this planet is fabulous treasure seemingly of endless amount. There are also "chariots" in this black world where one can become hopelessly lost should a wrong turn be taken. But what kind of chariots are these, and what about the horses? The answer is the UFO (which a number of people are beginning to suspect), and their pilots, the operators of the strange craft-And what about the idols, the work of the hands, worshipped by the mean and great men? They are none other than electronic wonders of which we of the surface are only now getting our first full taste. The mean and mighty men will hide in their cities within Earth at the time of the Great Earthquake, the time when the massive electronic equipment within the sun is deprived of power and ceases to function; when the moon turns red and is moved out of her place and, control lost, ships within the heaven fall upon Earth. Earth will rock and reel, mountains will tumble, islands will disappear and from the water's depths new ones will appear. Men who control the wealth of the world, along with their Gentile henchmen - occultists all - will know the game is lost. Fear will rake their evil souls as within Earth (and outerspace as well) they seek to escape the wrath of the One who sits on the Throne riding the heavens, and of His Son, the Lamb, the Messiah of true Christians.

Written on the other wall dividing the way in the undeveloped Blanchard Springs cavern are these words from the Book of Ezekiel, 21:16: "Go thee one way or other, either on the right hand, or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set." Preceding are these two verses: "Thou therefore, son of man, prophesy, and smite thine hands together, and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain: it is the sword of the great men that are slain, which entereth into their privy chambers. I have set the point of the sword against all their gates, that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied: ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter." Different from the others, the coming war will have double the casualties, and the ruins will be multiplied again and again over the other two world wars of this century. The sword today is in the hands of men as anti-Christian, as dedicated to the Skygod, the Sungod, the god of the Underworld, as any of the leaders who, since the time of the Flood, have devoted themselves to stirring up wars, bringing death, destruction and sorrow to the hapless, helpless masses. Their gates - where are their gates?, They are underground where the treasures are hidden and guarded by strange little beings with round eyes...

How do I know these words from prophets of the Old Testament are written on the walls of a government-owned cavern? Because a member of my immediate family saw them. A young spelunker, he was hired, along with other cave explorers, to go into this particular cavern to clean up clutter that may have been left by earlier explorers. when I was told about this handwriting on the walls, I was both perplexed and excited. Whoever wrote those words must have known a lot of the secrets of the Old Testament... I had the feeling of being not quite alone.

Arkansas' Ozarks abound with communities with biblical names. About midway between Blanchard Springs Caverns and Calico. Rock (where I understand Jesse James taught school) is one called Mt. Olive. Eastward, and on down the White River a piece is Cushman with its Blowing Cave. It was there, at Blowing Cave, that Charles Marcoux, the noted cave explorer and believer in the subterranean world died suddenly. Marcoux and his wife had moved to Cushman for the purpose of exploring Blowing Cave. He believed that if he made the right turn he would come upon a portal that, upon entering, would lead to one of the ancient underground cities... Leave Cushman and move northeast into the next county and you will come upon Smithville. It was there, near Strawberry River, that Gordon Kahl, the fiery Tax Protester and patriot was killed - or was he? A great mystery there. Kahl who, hiding out with friends in Arkansas after fleeing North Dakota when forced into a gun battle with two U.S. marshals, was tracked to the Leonard Ginter home in Lawrence County. Made of concrete, the Ginter house was a sort of bunker. Tracking Kahl to the Ginter place, law officers opened fire. Without return fire, they poured some three hundred rounds into the concrete and two windows. Tear gas grenades were hurled into the garage. A fire started and within the house a body was burned beyond recognition. Gordon Kahl? Many doubt it. At any rate, after shelling the Ginter home until it became a sieve, the FBI wanted to borrow a National Guard gunship helicopter armed with bazookas to hover over and level the Ginter home. For some reason the governor of Arkansas refused permission... The Ginter house was built partly underground. I'm wondering if, like Ozark outlaws of the last century, Kahl too disappeared into another world, one reached through an underground passageway beneath Leonard Ginter's place. The State of Arkansas and the United States government meticulously guard the secrets of the Ozarks.



"There were no civil rights for former White Confederates. They could not vote or hold office, or serve on juries... Lincoln ordered the invasion of the South on April 15, 1861, and never for one moment did he consider negotiation and the end of the bloodshed, though plenty of others did... "Houseburner" Sherman did not originate the March from Atlanta to the Sea strategy - that was thought up by Stanton and his War Department, and approved by Lincoln... He continued his march in a northeast direction into South Carolina, completely destroying one third of the property and assets of the state, and completely leveling the capital, Columbia (Charleston, South Carolina, is the headquarters of Masonry. It was at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor that the war began - ed)... There was Shenandoah Valley, and the Battle of the Wilderness where the dead lay four deep, smothering and wounded still alive under those heaps. And Cold Harbor, where the wounded lay for five days unattended because a truce could not be agreed upon"... (SPEAK OUT, July, 1984)

Because of the horrors of the War, and because of Reconstruction, it is understandable why the people of the defeated South may have hated the people of the North with more intensity after the war than at any time during the conflict.

All over Northwest Arkansas, Albert Pike, Jo Shelby, William Quantrill, Frank and Jesse James, the Daltons, the Youngers, with the assist of Indians, largely Cherokee, fought the Union men with the ferocity of demons. But there was more to it than a violent need for vengeance. That particular area had to remain in possession of the Confederacy. It didn't, and thereby hangs a tale of confounding mystery.

Going defunct shortly thereafter, there appeared in a tabloid in 1975, the following headline: "There's $150 billion in Confederate gold buried in the U.S. just waiting to be dug up."


Representing two diverse systems of governing, the iron legs of Nebuchadnezzer's image were on the move in the last century. In this, the latter part of the Twentieth Century, they are on the move for the last time. The ingredients for the final war are now mixed in the batter.

First, the most intelligent must go. In China, indoctrinated students were setup to protest and challenge their government. In the Square they demonstrated their desire for more freedom by rallying around a huge papier-mache figure of the "Goddess of Democracy." Holding aloft a torch, in New York Harbor, a statue of the same goddess is called "Miss Liberty. "Reporting at the scene, CBS's Dan Rather wore a tight, pleased smile. He knows the "Goddess" represents Artemis, the Queen of the Moon (the Hittite/Canaanite bankers adore her as Ashtoreth). Facing a possible civil war, baited and agonized China is in the process of being purged of the best and most promising of her youth.

Mikkiel Gorbachev visits West Germany and the people are charmed by his easy way. The Soviet leader has allowed slack in the leash restraining the satellite nations. The slack has given the oppressed people the courage to speak up and demand release from the system. A setup, the dissent the slack affords will accomplish its design: Massacre of the dissidents by pagan leaders whose gods are Zeus, Lucifer and Satan.]


According to the article, the following story has existed since 1865.



"Old timers familiar with the Confederate Underground have an incredible tale to tell: War heroes turned outlaws, booby-trapped treasure troves and a secret pact. High level Confederates, they called themselves the Knights of the Golden Circle - - (Again, Davis, Forrest, Shelby, James and the others).

Their goal was to fight a Civil War replay, on a cash and carry basis without need to depend on PROFIT-HUNGRY BANKERS.

Headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., the Golden Circle started with $7 billion in gold from the Confederacy's treasury... The Confederate Underground supposedly infiltrated gold mines around the world, embezzling or stealing huge amounts to be smuggled back to the U.S... It is even rumored that the group received some of the $50 billion in gold that a few experts claim has 'disappeared' from Fort Knox over the years. (hardly in the period immediately following the Civil War)... and every late-show fan knows how Rebel vets Jesse James, Cole Younger and the Daltons came into their wealth.

In 1916 contributions stopped flooding in. At that time the group officially disbanded. According to one who claims to be a Golden Circle descendent, Rebel treasure troves exist in almost every state and most Canadian provinces. (Of the states mentioned, the largest gold treasure is hidden in New Mexico - ed)

Why is it still there? Well, the Knights swore themselves and their descendents to secrecy. 'It was almost a RELIGIOUS thing with them. Anyone who revealed the secrets of the Circle would have ended up dead.'

The men who hid the treasures guarded them with sophisticated, weather-proofed, explosive booby-traps. More than one amateur has ended his treasure hunting career by tinkering with a Rebel cache... Many of the locations were memorized and never committed to paper - and eventually lost due to death and failing memories. The Golden Circle Code forbade opening any deposit before the last Confederate veteran died... And by then federal laws had made private ownership of gold illegal and unprofitable.

A NEW MEXICO site was searched for one cache. But since such famous outlaws as Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, JESSE JAMES and Billy the Kid were alleged to have stopped there, the place had already attracted scores of treasure hunters.

That was the closest... Glorieta Pass in New Mexico, which is about 17 miles east of Santa Fe, is the closest anyone ever got to a cache.

Golden Circle members used the very best engineers they could find when the bullion was hidden, and they used the finest materials in hiding the treasure and also protected it with booby-traps."

Hosted by Robert Stack, recently on NBC's Unsolved Mysteries series there was a story of the discovery of gold bars in a cavern in New Mexico at a place called Victorial Peak. The man who chanced upon the treasure was called Doc Noss. Upon seeing them that first time, Noss took them for lead, because of the coating of dust and the weight. Finding a small one, he lugged it to the surface. Upon discovering the smaller bar was gold, he must have been more than a little dumbfounded by what he had stumbled across. Filing a Treasure Claim, Noss and his wife proceeded to laboriously remove about a hundred bars from the trove. The fact that he had happened upon gold hidden in a cave was remarkable enough; what made the find stupendous and mind-stunning was the amount of gold. A fortune too colossal to estimate, the bars numbered in the neighborhood of 16,000!

But Noss lost his fabulous fortune due to a cave-in when he had the hole in which it was hidden dynamited for easier access. There remained, however, the bars he and his wife had toted to the surface. Over each buried bar was a mark to identify the location... Then came the decree that eliminated gold as legal tender, and made ownership of gold illegal except for jewelry. Now Noss's bars were useless. However, he found someone willing to take his gold in exchange for paper money. Ownership of gold is often lethal, and so it was with Doc Noss when he and the party who had so "magnanimously" agreed to the exchange got into an argument. Doc was shot to death.

In the midst of the buried bars, Doc' s wife continued to carry on - until the Military and their White Sands Missile Proving Grounds moved in, after which the widow was run off the land to which she had legal claim.

By that time the story of Doc Noss's gold was well known. Prowling the Base, two Servicemen came upon another cave in which they found a man-made pyramid, a chest of gold coins... and some two thousand gold bars! Among claimants to this treasure are HEIRS OF JESSE JAMES! (Ah, the mystery is beginning to lose some of its density!)



Albert Pike's decision to move to Arkansas was determined by something he learned while in or near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Upon moving to Little Rock, he lost no time setting himself up as protector/adviser of the territory's Indians. Arkansas was strategic terrain. Arkansas Indians held the Key, tradition having provided them knowledge of subterranean secrets: Massive treasure stashed away in underground chambers would make possible open control of the world by the Shadow Government. But inaccessibility was not the main obstacle. Far more formidable were the little "Moon-eyed, impure people," strange, wispy, look-alike creatures who, seemingly endless in number, have lived within Earth's shell possibly since the time of Creation. Hidden from sight, only on occasion are they known to emerge from Earth's holes. Taking to the sky in fantastic craft, their mission has been puzzling and horrifying with implication. Beings beyond the understanding of earthlings, within their huge craniums is stored scientific knowledge at which brilliant surface scientists can only gasp in wonder.

Expediency makes strange allies. Knights of the Golden Circle - Pike and bigwigs of the Confederacy's political and military - drew into their tight little midst thieves and terrorists James, Quantrill, Younger and the Daltons. Young and fearless, these men were invaluable to the older Sun-worshippers. Born in cave country, as boys they had taken their lanterns and rope and descended into a world black and fearsome. Beyond doubt, youthful exuberance and foolhardiness had directed them into a cavern system that had exploded their young mind with curiosity, after which they began to unravel a great mystery.

Whether to mislead or through ignorance, I do not know, but the 1975 tabloid article states that "supposedly" members of the Golden circle infiltrated gold mines around the world. Possibly a circling of the underworld was accomplished via efforts of Golden Circle members in foreign countries. But the objective was not to bury gold which, in the amount of $150 billion, had been stolen, begged or borrowed (how ridiculous!) the purpose was to locate gold, silver and precious gems of incredible quantity hidden for ages in Earth's most protective and secret hiding place: her underground vaults.

Now Christians searching for the truth have a prod with which to poke the mystery. The main purpose of the Civil War was control of the entranceways to the world beneath our feet. With hundreds of thousands of innocent victims, the bloody contest was between the political left, led by Masonry's Hittite/Canaanite bankers and the political right led by the combine of Catholicism and rightwing Jews (Canaanites).

The time remaining is fast retreating. The harder our pagan leaders attempt to escape fulfillment of Bible Prophesy, the more their contrived events become entangled, moving irrevocably onto the calamitous paths outlined by the Creator's seers.

Intimidated by the little ET's, the heads of Governments are terrified. Should the public become aware! An inexhaustible army of "rubber-stamp" beings in which when one ceases to exist another pops up for immediate replacement. When the method is understood, cloning must not be difficult. Soon they will no longer be contained... Shades of Richard Shaver and his degenerate Deroes!!



What does Scripture have to say of these bizarre little ones who appear to have been brought to Earth ages ago for the express purpose of keeping tabs on what goes on inside and outside the planet? PLENTY!!

Accompanying the Creator as His huge, fiery ship - His kingdom, His majesty - cuts into the wilderness of Space, they are His Saints; they are of His army of thousands upon thousands upon thousands...

David, that sweet harpist, places them unequivocally inside Earth in his book of Psalms. 'Chapter 16: "Oh my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not to thee; BUT TO THE SAINTS THAT BE IN THE EARTH, and to the excellent in whom is all my delight. Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: (those who hasten after another god are Illuminists, worshippers of Lucifer, the sungod) their drink offerings of blood (the sacrifice of humans by the Illuminists) will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips."

Further revealing are these verses from Ps. 149: "Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: (the Creator) let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. (Gentile/Aryans, Jacob and Israel will be the children of Zion - Zion within Earth's hollow interior. Let them praise his name in the dance: Let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. (this refers to the time when the Tribulation, Armageddon, death and destruction will be in the past; the time of the start of the last New Beginning. There will be tremendous joy and celebration in the middle of Earth when the survivors - the Remnant - honor their Savior and King, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.) For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. Let the SAINTS be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a TWO-EDGED sword (Jacob and Israel) in their hand: To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;"

"And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty" (Isa. 2:19)... Chapter 2 of the Book of Joel discloses the military action the ET's will take against the enemies of God during the coming Armageddon: "They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:... They shall run to and fro in the city: they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: and the Lord shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great:..."

I Sam: 2: "He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness. (the actions of His saints will be sure; but the light in the underground facilities of the Mighty Men will be extinguished for good.) for by strength (their strength is the work of their hands, the electronic wonders which will cease to function) for by strength ho man shall prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them... The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; (openings at the Arctic and Antarctic leading into Earth's hollow interior where people of many nations reside) and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed. (I believe this king has reference to Cyrus, the anointed, who will lead the remnant of Israel and Jacob in the war they will wage against the enemies of the God of the Cup. I like to think that Cyrus will be the great, God-fearing Adolf Hitler, as young as when last seen alive on the surface... Hitler and his legion of top-level Germans (Jacob) believed by many to have escaped to the world beneath the Antarctic when Germany was being bombed into submission.

Finally, what does "last Days" Scripture have to say about the hidden gold (and silver) so important to the Illuminists in the establishment of a world government in the name of their god, Lucifer: In reply, I give you the following from chapter 7 of Ezekiel and chapter 1 of Zephaniah: "They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity."... "And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell IN THE LAND."



Aware of their presence within Earth, there are a few scientific-minded men who, outside government, are privy to government secrets - namely the Saints, only they call the long-ago little "Moon-eyes" of the Ozarks "Greys."

Believing in the supremacy of mortal man, and putting their trust in the United States Constitution, these men (only a few, I'm unable to bring you their names due to copyright) are charging the government of collusion with the Greys. The accusations are as follows: 

The government has entered into a secret treaty with an Alien Nation (the Greys) against the terms of the Constitution; in this treaty the government has given this Alien Nation land and bases within the borders of the United States; the government in this treaty has traded human lives and property for the alien technology and has denied the citizens of the United States lawful protection under the terms of the Constitution; in the taking of human lives, property and livestock of the citizens of the United States, the Alien Nation has proven to be the mortal enemy of the people. Abductions, surgical operations, implantations, biological sampling, impregnations, psychological demons, and other horrors have been and are being performed upon humans by this Alien Nation. For these reasons a state of war now exists and has existed between the people of the United States and this Alien Nation. In approving of and participating in the crimes outlined in the above, the government is in violation of Article II section 2, Article III Section 3 and several other Articles of the Constitution, and is guilty of and is hereby charged with murder and treason against the people and the Constitution of these United States of America.



(The subject matter centering upon this bizarre situation, the above will be continued in the next issue of SECRETS. In closing my part of this issue, would like to leave this one note of assurance: Truth-seeking Christians have no need to fear these beings... They are on our side!)



With segments having already appeared in SECRETS booklets, the following is another from the remarkable manuscript received from Donald Todd.

A seasoned and respected field investigator for APRO, because of its importance, I hope someday to bring to you in its entirety, Donald's work entitled UNDER FINAL OBSERVATION

Donald R. Todd, Box 316, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881

Because of its nature, the proverbial "Jonah and the Whale," is a CE-III (close encounter of the third kind) of a very remarkable kind.

Because of the rising crime and corruption in the north country, (Syria) the Lord gave Jonah the word to go to Nineveh, some 450 miles northeast of Damascus. Jonah was to advise the people to "shape-up" or suffer the consequences of Sodom and Gomorrah, Sidon and Tyre.

Being a simple man, Jonah was frightened to death. Fleeing into the coastal town of Joppa (now Tel Aviv) he paid his fare and hopped aboard a merchant vessel headed outbound for the Greek Islands.

Terrific gales came up at sea (ET induced) endangering the ship. The crew, knowing Jonah was shipping-out to escape the Lord, blamed him for the rough seas. Ultimately, they tossed him over the side and, seemingly, the seas abated.

Let's read what Scripture says at this point. Jonah 1:17. "Now the Lord had prepared a great 'fish' to swallow up Jonah and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."

Ch. 2:10. "And the Lord spoke unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land."

The facts are skimpy, but relevant. The ship evidently had been at sea some time. Jonah had slept at least one night on the Med. The following day in the midst of the storm, the crew tried for hours, but without success, to bring the ship to shore. Scripture says the Lord had prepared a great fish. Past tense. Some underwater form was already in readiness. The Lord was in contact with it. Jonah was inside this thing for three days and three nights. Then it released him, not into the sea as any normal marine form would do, but safely upon dry land!

Think back a bit. Enoch, in his planetary travels, witnessed such technically advanced things produced by such an advanced culture as armed troops, loudspeakers, light beacons, multi-winged aircraft, etc., then how much more of a task would it be for them to design and build a submersible?

After all, it's pretty difficult for a sophisticated society such as ours to accept the story of a man surviving three days and three nights in a fish's innards. A fish large enough to ingest a man, (Scripture does not imply whale) in eastern Mediterranean waters not commonly frequented by whales. Without oxygen, subjected to piscicial gases and fermentation juices powerful enough to dissolve bone and shell. And then to be expelled from some fish that had beached itself! On the whole, a whale of a mouthful to swallow. In better keeping with our hypothesis, the facts seem to bear out earth's first submersible.

We now come to the advent of Christ, His arrival and attending phenomenon.

To quote Thomas Paine: "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason."

The misdated birth of Christ and the celebration of pagan christmas has become, unfortunately, one of the most gigantic hoaxes ever perpetrated and perpetuated by the Church on mankind. I can't alter the truth. It has already been tampered with. The evidence speaks straightforwardly.

The Clergy has had equal opportunity to study all the available evidence. Yet, rather than examine the facts with honest eyes has instead continued to view the "authorized" testimony sanctimoniously through stained-glass bifocals!

Flesh and blood Jesus Christ was conceived like any other biological vertebrate organism - male sperm fertilizing female egg! He was the planned product of ET intercession!

In fact, nowhere in the pages of Scripture is there any mention of Mary conceiving "immaculately." Let's review the facts.

Matthew 1:18, states it this way: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Ghost."

Luke tells us more. Luke 1:30. "And the angel said unto her..." V.31. " ...thou shalt conceive in thy womb..." V.34. "...Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" V.35. "And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee...''

Now then, what is this Holy Ghost? Let's investigate further.

Mary, a simple farm girl, virginal, and resident of Nazareth, was the beneficiary of a special CE-III.

Drawing a jug of water at the outside well, Mary heard a voice addressing her. Seeing no one immediately about, she retired into the house. There an angel entered and confided in her.

Lost Biblical Books, Protevangelion 9:13. "...the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee;" V.14. "Wherefore that which shall be born of thee... thou shalt call his name Jesus;"

For sheer, down-to-earth terminology, we have only to compare Biblical texts to understand the clear-cut difference between normal husband-wife relations and ET intercession. (artificial insemination)

There are countless examples of normal husband-wife begatting throughout Scriptures. In order to establish a point, let's compare some terminology for clarity.

Genesis 4:1. "And Adam knew his wife: and she conceived..." V.17. "And Cain knew his wife and she conceived..."

Ruth 4:13. "So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he went in unto her, she bare a son."

Isaiah 8:3. "and I went unto the prophetess and she conceived..."

In the foregoing examples, there is no doubt as to the method of procreation - physical union - the product being an offspring.

In contrast, let's compare other Scriptural texts implying something quite different.

Genesis 20:18. "For the Lord fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Ximelech." (among them, Abraham's wife, Sarah, due to the Pharaoh Plagues) Ch. 21:1. "And the Lord visited Sarah..." V.2. "For Sarah conceived and bare a son..."

Genesis 29:31. "And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb..." V.32. "And she conceived..." V.33. "And she conceived again..." V.34. "And she conceived again." Then later... "Now this time my husband be joined unto me."

Judges 13:3. "And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman... (Monoah's wife) thou shall conceive..." V. 9. "and the angel of God came again - and Manoah (and his wife) said... (to the angel) How shall we order the child?" (Keep this question in mind) V. 20. "...then the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar..." V. 24. "And the woman bare a son..."

II Kings 4:15. "And he (an holy man of God) called her." (an unmarried, wealthy woman of Shunam) V. 16. "And he (the Holy Man) said, about this season according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son..." V. 17. "And the woman conceived and bare a son..."

In each of these latter cases, there are, to say the least, external influences involved. Without much doubt it appears that the ET's interceded in several cases of barrenness. But, to what purpose? Undoubtedly, to keep each of those filial lineages alive.

In the case of Jesus Christ, then, His birth was no more virginal than any other. Without going into Christ's Davidic genealogy, suffice it to say Jesus was a special implantation through a determined blood-line, for a specific purpose.

As for the validity of virginal births... Parthenogenesis, briefly, is a term meaning reproduction involving development of a female organism without fertilization, resulting in a short-lived and often incomplete individual. In other words, one can blend all of the butter, eggs, flour, milk, nuts, etc., in the batter of a chocolate cake, but, unless the Hershey is added, a chocolate cake is never going to emerge from the oven!

To extend the insemination point one step further, how did the ET's know that the Christ Child would be male? Obviously they did, for they predicted it.

August 5, 1986. CBS News. "A medical breakthrough in sex Selection. A Florida couple was the recipient of a new medical technique. Male seminal fluid was collected from the husband, centrifuged, processed, and the male gametes selectively isolated. Artificially inseminated successfully, the two now have a planned, healthy, male child." (Recall the question of Manoah and his wife - How shall we order the child?)

Two thousand years after the fact, modern man has finally cracked another mystery.

There has been considerable speculation as to Christ's whereabouts from baptism until, at the age of twelve, his mother found him in the Temple astonishing all the "doctors" with his knowledge.

Where, then, was Jesus for most of those twelve years? And how did he acquire such profound knowledge at that early age? The answer... "ET's"! Abduction! Indoctrination!

Immediately after Christ's baptism, he was abducted by the "Spirit" space vehicle. Once again three of the apostles, Matthew, Mark and Luke confirm it.

Matt. 4:1. "Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil." V.11. "Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him." V.16. "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light sprung up."

Mark 1:12. "And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness." V.13. "...and the angels ministered unto him."

Luke 1:80: "And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his skewing unto Israel."

Ch. 2:40. "And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him." V.48. "...and his mother said unto him, son, why hast thou thus dealth with us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing."

Ch. 4:1. "Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost... was led by the Spirit into the wilderness." V.14. "And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee." V.15 "And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all."

At one point in His sojourns, Jesus, accompanied by Peter, James and John, climbed one of the local mountains for a tete-a-tete with the ET's. Let's see what the text tells us. Matt. 17:5. "While he (Peter) spoke, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold, a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." V.6. "And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid." V.3. "And behold, there appeared unto them, Moses and Elias talking with him." (Jesus) V.2. "And he (Jesus) was transfigured before them; and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was White as the light.''

Can't you just see Jesus striding forward to greet Elijah and Moses, and moving into the greenish aura of the spaceship's EM glow - and appearing incandescent?

The scene is so reminiscent of my own two CE-II's, where the ships glowed with a rich but soft, green incandescence...

And apparently, Jesus even stepped into the levitating light shaft beneath the hovering craft, because... "His raiment was white as the light."

The disciples slowly got to their feet. V.8. "And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only." Obviously, Elijah and Moses had been levitated by the light beam back into the craft.

(to be continued)


The following was sent by a reader who, with eyes open, has good understanding of much of the truth of what is going on.

Dear Norma -

I wanted to thank you right away for your letter when it came with your book. I appreciated your good words more than you may have thought. I have thought of you often and wanted to tell you about some connections between current happenings across the country and elsewhere in the world, along with other happenings back in history.

Something I believe should be noticed in China today is that the wanton, ruthless destruction of lives parallel the killings that took place during the French Revolution of 1789, which "revolution" was not to give people freedoms but to take them away - along with their lives. For that "revolution" was run by Jews working under the protection of the Masonic Lodge in London, England.

And that is what is happening in China today. I suppose the poor students and their families will always be blamed. I believe the visits of Ronald Reagan and George Bush and, before them, Richard Nixon, had a great deal to do with the continuing oppression of the people of China, and the explosion which has come. The efforts of the students in demonstrating their hopes and dreams, was just an excuse to crack down on any and all opinions differing from those of the Regime.

The Jewish historian, Josephus, wrote that the extremist bands of his day (during what is known as the Time of Christ), fought each other bitterly but would join together to destroy the Moderates. And so it went on in France in 1789 - two hundred years ago. And so it has gone on in every country where there have been armed conflicts. And the fine hand of ISIS (Ah! ed) and Lucifer have stirred up all the troubles... through their servants, our Presidents.

Remember how shocked many of us were when President Richard Nixon took the first trip to China? In each case, it must have been for the express purpose of encouraging those of differing viewpoints to express themselves, and thus mark themselves for the Kill... the June, 1989 massacre of Chinese... Blood brothers of the CIA and FBI went into action.

I remember when the high-ranking Democrat, Adlai Stevenson, went to Russia a number of years ago. While there, he met and talked with individuals whose views varied from those of their government. Later it was learned that each had been picked up by the police, after which they disappeared. I've thought about that, wondering about the sincerity of high-in-government officials in dealing with unfortunate people who trusted them. In the same department of Distrustfulness were Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson. Probably all Heads of State in all countries of the world have been tools of Isis.

These are just a few of the things I've been wanting to tell you. One never knows these days what the morrow may bring. Will try to write again before long.

(Name withheld by discretion of editor)

Ancient Egyptians called the Moon Goddess, Isis..... Ruler of the inhabitants within the Moon's hollow interior, Isis obviously possesses the secret of Immortality for over the millennia she has continually created mischief on Earth's surface through her agents, the adoring slaves of the inner-circle of secret societies.

In their ignorance, bright, young Chinese demonstrating in the Square bowed to a plastic figure of this evil female, calling her the "Goddess of Democracy."

In the next and concluding issue of this series, I plan further exposure of what is written in this booklet, particularly the little "Moon-eyed people."

Because SECRETS has no outlet other than you, my subscribers, any help you give in disseminating my work will be appreciated not only by Norma but by the One who - Up Yonder - really counts.


Isn't it time you learn the truth about the world you live on? Isn't it time you learn the truth of why your government deceives you and lies to you? Isn't it time you learn that Earth has a subterranean world and that within its caverns are ancient cities? Isn't it time you learn that Earth is hollow and that within this great void is the place of Eden - and Creation? Isn't it time you learn the truth about UFO's and the extra-terrestrials who have been coming to this planet since before man was created?

Isn't it time you learn that the real gods of our political and religious leaders are the ones that were worshipped by the ancient heathen? Isn't it time you learn the truth of why wars are fought, who the Statue of Liberty really represents and the real reason why this statue stands in the water of New York's harbor?

Since We, the people of the White Race, are headed for the slaughter, shouldn't we at least go with our eyes open? Stressing the importance of being racial-minded, SECRETS is a racist publication. From our Aryan race come the geniuses of this world. Only through the Aryan is achievement and progress attained. So, isn't it time you learn that it is our race that is the Chosen of the Creator?

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